Our Story

Organic & Hydroponic Grow Supplies and Equipment

HomeGro Depot, in Highlands North, Johannesburg, is your go-to for hydroponic and organic gardening needs. Our knowledgeable team provides guidance and live demonstrations, showcasing systems for outdoor, indoor, or tunnel use.

Brand Vision

We aim to supply top-quality hydroponic and organic equipment, empowering all growers with the tools and knowledge for sustainable gardening. We specialize in indoor setups, constantly updating our products and offering excellent customer service.

Our Passion

Recognizing a community need, we created a space where you can experience hydroponics firsthand, enhancing your understanding through interaction. Our experts share insights for cultivating vegetables, herbs, or cannabis.

Product Demonstration

We rigorously test cutting-edge systems to ensure our recommendations are the best. Visit to see these systems in action and learn about their capabilities.

Best Advice

Our team, with hands-on experience, provides advice rooted in practical know-how, keeping you informed with the latest in gardening technology.