Phytostim Terpene Booster - 500ml
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Phytostim Terpene Booster - 500ml

  • Ukutholakala: Kukhona kusitoki
R 210.00
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Phytostim Terpene Booster utilizes the regenerative and cell-division enhancing properties of Moringa Oleifera – this miracle tree is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet.

By encouraging complementary soil microbes and improving metabolic efficiency, root development and nutrient delivery Phytostim Terpene Booster has proven to:

  • Increase yield in terms of plant weight and bud size.
  • Improve the efficiency of water usage.
  • Enhance bud quality, directly affecting terpenes and cannabinoids.
  • Strengthen stress tolerance and recovery of the plant.
  • Improve the efficiency of fertilizer absorption.
  • Has been proven to help fight against Powdery Mildew.

Phytostim is an organic plant-based bio-stimulant.

Sold in 500ml, 5lt and 20lt volumes.

General Application:

Phytostim can be applied every 14-days throughout the life-cycle of the plant.

Root feeding: a 5% dilution with water (1:20), i.e. 50ml of Phytostim per 1 liter of water.

Foliar application (MOST ECONOMICAL): a 4.5% solution, i.e. 45ml to 1 liter dilution.

Not recommended for hydroponic systems.

Advanced Application:

For more advanced growers, Phytostim have tested and proven full efficacy on the following stages and dosages with a focus on being as cost effective as possible.

With that being said, Phytostim is an all-natural product derived from plants; you as the grower will be able to adjust the below to fit into your growing schedule and growth needs.

Seed Germination:

Application: Soak in a solution of Phytostim for 24-hours before planting to ensure increased germination and vigorous growth.

Dosage: 1:10 dilution of Phytostim to pH balanced water.

Clone Stage:

Application: Soak growing medium with solution of Phytostim before inserting clone. Phytostim can be used as a rooting stimulant or an addition to a rooting hormone. Ensure that the runoff EC is between 0.4 and 1.5 and the pH between 5.5 and 6.5, ideally aiming for 5.8.

Dosage: 1:20 dilution of Phytostim to pH balanced water.

Transplant Stage:

Application: On clone transplant a soil drench is recommended to serve as a nutrient booster, stress reliever and growth stimulant. The soil drench can be accompanied by a foliar application that will serve as an immune booster and general pest protection, especially from powdery mildew and other molds.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 3% solution, i.e. 300ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

Vegetative Growth:

Application: Apply every 2 weeks from transplant as a foliar application for the duration of the vegetative growth cycle. Applications can be combined or cycled with a soil drench.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 4.5% solution, i.e. 450ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

Flowering Cycle:

Application: Do a foliar application on the first day of the flowering cycle and then again 2 weeks into flower.  You can continue applying as a foliar spray every 2 weeks, or switch to a soil drench thereafter every 2 weeks. Stop applications 2 weeks before end of harvest.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 4.5% solution, i.e. 450ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5 ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

Phytostim Terpene Booster utilizes the regenerative and cell-division enhancing properties of Moringa Oleifera – this miracle tree is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet.

By encouraging complementary soil microbes and improving metabolic efficiency, root development and nutrient delivery Phytostim Terpene Booster has proven to:

  • Increase yield in terms of plant weight and bud size.
  • Improve the efficiency of water usage.
  • Enhance bud quality, directly affecting terpenes and cannabinoids.
  • Strengthen stress tolerance and recovery of the plant.
  • Improve the efficiency of fertilizer absorption.
  • Has been proven to help fight against Powdery Mildew.

Phytostim is an organic plant-based bio-stimulant.

Sold in 500ml, 5lt and 20lt volumes.

General Application:

Phytostim can be applied every 14-days throughout the life-cycle of the plant.

Root feeding: a 5% dilution with water (1:20), i.e. 50ml of Phytostim per 1 liter of water.

Foliar application (MOST ECONOMICAL): a 4.5% solution, i.e. 45ml to 1 liter dilution.

Not recommended for hydroponic systems.

Advanced Application:

For more advanced growers, Phytostim have tested and proven full efficacy on the following stages and dosages with a focus on being as cost effective as possible.

With that being said, Phytostim is an all-natural product derived from plants; you as the grower will be able to adjust the below to fit into your growing schedule and growth needs.

Seed Germination:

Application: Soak in a solution of Phytostim for 24-hours before planting to ensure increased germination and vigorous growth.

Dosage: 1:10 dilution of Phytostim to pH balanced water.

Clone Stage:

Application: Soak growing medium with solution of Phytostim before inserting clone. Phytostim can be used as a rooting stimulant or an addition to a rooting hormone. Ensure that the runoff EC is between 0.4 and 1.5 and the pH between 5.5 and 6.5, ideally aiming for 5.8.

Dosage: 1:20 dilution of Phytostim to pH balanced water.

Transplant Stage:

Application: On clone transplant a soil drench is recommended to serve as a nutrient booster, stress reliever and growth stimulant. The soil drench can be accompanied by a foliar application that will serve as an immune booster and general pest protection, especially from powdery mildew and other molds.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 3% solution, i.e. 300ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

Vegetative Growth:

Application: Apply every 2 weeks from transplant as a foliar application for the duration of the vegetative growth cycle. Applications can be combined or cycled with a soil drench.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 4.5% solution, i.e. 450ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

Flowering Cycle:

Application: Do a foliar application on the first day of the flowering cycle and then again 2 weeks into flower.  You can continue applying as a foliar spray every 2 weeks, or switch to a soil drench thereafter every 2 weeks. Stop applications 2 weeks before end of harvest.


  • Foliar application: Cover entire plant with a fine mist with a 4.5% solution, i.e. 450ml to 10 liter dilution.

  • Soil Drench: Apply 5ml of concentrate to each plant incorporated in the normal feeding regime. Suggested 5 ml to 1 liter of pH balanced water.

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