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- Irrigatia-sonbesproeiingstelsel
- Irrigatia C24 Sonkrag outomatiese besproeiingstelsel
- Irrigatia C24 Sonkrag outomatiese besproeiingstelsel
Irrigatia C24 Sonkrag outomatiese besproeiingstelsel
- Produk SKU: 13-635-110
- Beskikbaarheid: In voorraad
Die Irrigatia C24 Solar outomatiese besproeiingstelsel bied besproeiing vir tot 12 groot hangmandjies of 24 20L blompotte (vereis die 12 druppers verlengstel vir hierdie opsie). Ideaal vir blombeddings, verhoogde beddings, groentepersele, vrugtebome en vrugtehokke.
Die Irrigatia C24 Solar outomatiese besproeiingstelsel bied besproeiing vir tot 12 groot hangmandjies of 24 20L blompotte (vereis die 12 druppers verlengstel vir hierdie opsie). Ideaal vir blombeddings, verhoogde beddings, groentepersele, vrugtebome en vrugtehokke.
Nuutste produkte
Irrigatia C24 Solar Automatic Watering System
The pump puimps water nice and regularly, works as intended as it's super cool that it's off the grid, however, I got a bit caught out buying extension kits.
I have 4x 1m planters and a pot.
I bought the dripper extension kit with the watering system as it seemed like only 12 drippers came with the system. Later I realised that drioppers are not ideal for beds, so I bought the microporous hose. This only came with two connectors, and it turns out it's meant for single long runs, not multiple short runs, and there was no pressure in the last hose. I probably need the seep hose, but at the price of these extension kits, I've gone with sticking a needle through the regular hose.
Comes with batteries. pumps water every three hours, with duration determined by the nob on the side as well as the amount of sunlight.
First day was a little alarming - it ran for forever - there is a slip of paper warning about flooding with the first use, but I didn't take it seriously.