Happy Harvest - H202 50% (Hydrogen peroxide)
Hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, is a strong disinfectant used to keep hydroponic setups sterile. A solution of H2O2 and distilled water can be added to your water on a regular basis as the hydrogen peroxide will evaporate within a few days.
Be sure to use extreme caution when working with H2O2 as contact with the skin or eyes will cause severe burns. More info here:
Hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, is a strong disinfectant used to keep hydroponic setups sterile. A solution of H2O2 and distilled water can be added to your water on a regular basis as the hydrogen peroxide will evaporate within a few days.
Be sure to use extreme caution when working with H2O2 as contact with the skin or eyes will cause severe burns. More info here: